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 segread()               Return Current Values of Segment Registers

 #include   <dos.h>

 void          segread(segregs);
 struct SREGS  *segregs;                 Segment register values

    segread() sets the fields in 'segregs' to the current contents of the
    segment registers.  The segment registers are needed when using the
    intdosx() and int86x() functions.

       Returns:     Nothing

         Notes:     Segment registers for 'far' pointers can be obtained
                    with the FP_SEG() macro.

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements print the current contents of the segment

           #include <dos.h>             /* for segread() and struct SREGS */
           #include <stdio.h>           /* for printf() */

           struct SREGS segregs;

               printf("CS: %u  DS: %u  ES: %u  SS: %u\n",
                      segregs.cs, segregs.ds, segregs.es, segregs.ss);

See Also: intdosx() int86x()
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